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The traditional tapping procedure for Neera production closely mirrors age-old extraction methods, which has led to the misnomer associated with Neera. The primary challenge in harvesting Neera from the spadix of coconut trees is the natural fermentation of the sap. Due to its natural sugary composition derived from plant tissue, Neera inherently possesses the tendency to ferment. Fermentation can occur through two means: auto-fermentation of the sap and unhygienic harvesting and storage practices. Fresh coconut sap, known as Neera, is initially sweet in taste and retains essential nutrients, akin to an energy health drink. However, the presence of micro-organisms such as yeast and bacteria in the sweet sap triggers fermentation, ultimately resulting in the production of ethyl alcohol. To counter this, a scientific approach is employed to tap fresh Neera without allowing it to ferment, achieved through the implementation of a cold chain tapping process. The collection of coconut Neera involves specific selection criteria for coconut palm trees, considering their age and overall health. A skilled tapper ascends the chosen palm tree and creates a shallow incision in the flower spathe. To capture the dripping sap, a collection vessel, typically an icebox container, is attached (as depicted in the image). Following collection, the Neera is meticulously transported from the farm to the processing facility under a controlled cold chain environment, often using refrigerated vehicles for transportation to maintain the desired temperature. Once at the facility, the raw Neera is subjected to pasteurization. This crucial step involves storing the raw Neera in a sterilized vessel and pasteurizing it for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Subsequently, the Neera is bottled under aseptic conditions to ensure its quality and safety. This process yields pasteurized Neera, ready for consumption.

iFarmerscart Coconut Sap Neera Drink | Fresh Raw and Nutrient-Rich - (200ml x 6)

  • Avoid Sunlight: Neera should be stored away from direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight and heat can accelerate fermentation and affect its taste and quality.

    Check for Spoilage: Before consuming neera, check for any signs of spoilage, such as an off-putting odor, unusual color, or unusual taste. If neera shows any signs of spoilage, it should not be consumed.

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